BEDFORD- Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department Captain Harrison Fleetwood was traveling southbound on State Road 37 following a red Chevrolet passenger car in the early morning of February 15 in the area of Old State Road 37 when he noticed the car had a license plate light out on the rear of the vehicle.

Captain Fleetwood initiated a traffic stop, and the vehicle pulled over. The occupants were identified as Brandon Monroe, 33, of Bedford, and Ivy Utley. After explaining why they were pulled over, Ivy requested to see that the light was indeed out. While she was with the officer looking at the light, Monroe presented his and Ivy’s IDs to Captain Fleetwood but could not produce registration for the vehicle. When asked if there were any weapons or anything illegal in the car, Monroe answered that there were not, but they seemed nervous.
Captain Fleetwood then asked for permission to search the vehicle, to which Monroe said there is no need to do so. A K-9 officer was called to the vehicle and alerted of possible drugs inside. Upon the car being searched, Monroe stated, “If there is anything in there, it’s mine.” Under the driver’s seat, officers found a baggie with a white crystal substance that later tested positive for methamphetamine and two hypodermic syringes. Also, in a jacket in the back seat, two glass smoking devices were found with a burnt, green, leafy substance in them that later tested positive for marijuana.
Ivy denied any knowledge of the illegal drugs being in the car and that just days before, Monroe’s family had assured her he was clean. When officers asked Monroe about the crystal substance and syringes, he stated a couple of guys from Bloomington planted the drugs there to get him into trouble.
Brandon Monroe was arrested on charges of possession of methamphetamine and illegal possession of a syringe. Ivy Utley and a family member returned to the scene to retrieve the vehicle.