BLOOMINGTON — Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington offers a short-term Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification preparation class. The course starts March 1 through April 19 and will be held virtually on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The course is intended for individuals seeking a PMP credential from Project Management Institute (PMI®). Before taking the PMP exam, PMI requires proof of at least three years of project management experience and 35 contact hours of project management education. However, the course is open to anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of project management.
PMP® certification is a way to build transferable skills and knowledge between industries, market segments, and geographic locations. This is an opportunity to boost your career and earning potential.
Short-term training classes like PMP® are hosted by Ivy+ Career Link workforce training. This program takes the employee-employer relationship to a new level, with opportunities to train existing employees. Whether you are a small business, a start-up, or an enterprise-level company, Ivy Tech will work with you to provide targeted professional development to help employees in your organization do their best work.
For cost information and registration, visit www.ivytech.edu/bloomington/careerlink.