BEDFORD- The Men’s Warming Shelter of Lawrence County took part in the Coldest Night of the Year event that happens across the country to raise money and awareness to combat homelessness. It was a 1-mile or 5K event held at First Christian Church. Teams from around Lawrence County came together to help the shelter exceed its goal of $20,000 by over $3,000.

The top 3 fundraising teams this year were:
Shelter Staffers
- Clarence Brown
- Robert Hillenburg
- Greg Couch
- Ric Mitchell
- Brett Johnson
- Heather Flynn
- Rick Alhorn
- Robert Tincher
- Willis VanOver
Team Ben
- Benjamin Kidd
- Ella Roush
- Jericho Roush
- Apryl Kidd
- Kyle Kidd
Vertical Home Health
- Dexter Thompson
- Laura Cummings
- Melissia Bell

It was a special night filled with love and hope. The community comes together once again to achieve the goal of helping those who need it. Thanks to all who participated, and congratulations to the Men’s Warming Shelter of Lawrence County for smashing the benchmark that was set. For more pictures and event info, check out the Men’s Warming Shelter Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/menswarmingshelter.