Congresswoman Houchin introduces the Students Bill of Rights Act of 2024 to safeguard free speech on college campuses

WASHINGTON, D.C.  — Congresswoman Erin Houchin proudly announces the introduction of the Students Bill of Rights Act of 2024, legislation aimed at safeguarding the fundamental right to free speech on college campuses nationwide.

Congresswoman Erin Houchin

Endorsed by leading advocacy organizations Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), America First Policy Institute, Heritage Action, and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), this bill addresses the erosion of First Amendment rights faced by students and to ensure that all voices are represented in the academic community.

Congresswoman Houchin stated, “Free speech should be a foundational part of postsecondary education, yet students and student groups continually find their First Amendment rights threatened. It is imperative that we take decisive action to push back against university policies that harm these rights and empower students to exercise their constitutional liberties.”The Students Bill of Rights Act of 2024 includes the following key provisions:

  1. Faculty Sponsors: This provision recognizes that student groups often struggle to find faculty sponsors. It ensures that alternative options for recognition, such as an appeals process, are available to guarantee that all student groups have equal opportunities for recognition.
  2. Distribution of Student Fees: This provision mandates that institutions publicly disclose their process for distributing funding to student clubs and requires all student funds to be distributed viewpoint-neutral, eliminating ideological bias in funding decisions.
  3. Security Fees: This provision requires institutions to publicly disclose their security fee structure and charge security fees viewpoint-neutrally to prevent discrimination based on ideological viewpoints.
  4. Protections for Campus Speakers: This provision mandates that institutions disclose their policies regarding protections for campus speakers and implement disciplinary measures for students who threaten speaker safety, ensuring that all students can express their views without fear of violence.

Congresswoman Houchin reaffirms her dedication to defending the constitutional liberties of all Americans and ensuring that the voices of students are heard and respected in institutions of higher education.

“As an advocate for free speech and academic liberty, I am proud to introduce the Students Bill of Rights Act of 2024. This legislation is a foundational step towards protecting the First Amendment rights of students on college campuses,” said Congresswoman Houchin.