Mike Braun calls on Schumer to pass Laken Riley Act, Thin Blue Line Act, and Secure the Border Act

WASHINGTON – Today, after an illegal alien in Georgia murdered Laken Riley, illegal aliens beat cops on the streets of New York City, and cartel fentanyl is the number one killer of young Americans, Senator Mike Braun is calling on Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to put three bills on the Senate floor for votes to save Americans’ lives: the Laken Riley Act, the Thin Blue Line Act, and the Secure the Border Act (HR 2).

The Laken Riley Act overwhelmingly passed the House last week, with 37 Democrats voting with Republicans.

Senator Mike Braun

“Americans are dying because of President Joe Biden’s policies that welcome illegal aliens into our communities and make it nearly impossible to deport them.

“I’m calling on Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to take action to protect American lives by calling up these bills for a vote today: the LAKEN RILEY ACT, which deports illegal aliens immediately when they are arrested for a crime. The THIN BLUE LINE ACT, which I authored to punish criminals who target police to the harshest extent of the law, and the SECURE THE BORDER ACT to end the Biden border crisis claiming lives across the country.

“Failing to take up these bills is putting illegal aliens before the safety of American citizens and our police. Let’s vote immediately to save lives.”


Read Senator Braun’s letter here.


The Laken Riley Act amends federal law to require Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to issue detainers and take custody of illegal aliens who commit theft-related crimes, such as shoplifting, as defined by state and local law.

This bill passed the House overwhelmingly, 251-170, with 37 Democrats joining all Republicans in support on March 7.


Senator Braun authored the Thin Blue Line Act in 2022. Here’s how the bill protects cops:

  • When a jury in a federal case considers whether to impose the death penalty, the jury must consider certain “aggravating” factors.
  • Current law states that if the murder victim is a federal law enforcement officer or federal prosecutor, this fact shall weigh as an aggravating factor in favor of the maximum penalty.
  • The Thin Blue Line Act provides the same level of justice to local law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and first responders.
  • It also enhances the penalty when a defendant targets a law enforcement officer, prosecutor, or first responder solely because that individual has chosen to protect and serve.


The Secure the Border Act enacts effective border security solutions, including:

  • Requiring the Department of Homeland Security to resume border wall construction.
  • Increasing the number of Border Patrol Agents.
  • Tightening asylum standards by restricting asylum to only aliens who present at ports of entry and requiring aliens to prove they are “more likely than not” to qualify for their asylum claim.
  • Narrowing DHS’s power to grant parole to illegal aliens unilaterally.
  • Criminalizing visa overstays by making the first offense a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and the second offense a felony punishable by up to a $2,000 fine and up to two years imprisonment.
  • Stopping NGOs from using tax dollars to transport or lodge illegal aliens and provide unlawful aliens with lawyers.
  • Restricting DHS from using its CBP One app to welcome illegal aliens into the country.
  • Requiring employers to use E-Verify.
  • Ensuring CBP has access to the criminal history databases of all countries of origin and transit so that CBP knows the criminal history of illegal aliens encountered at the southern border.