PULASKI CO. – Secretary of State Diego Morales continues visiting several counties to deliver election improvement grants.
Monday, he made a stop in Pulaski County and has more stops planned for the week.
Since the start of the year, Secretary Morales has delivered grant checks to more than 60 Indiana counties.
The counties are receiving grant dollars from the Federal Help America Vote Act to improve local election security and conduct local election improvements. Statewide grants are valued at approximately 2 million dollars.

“It is so important to hand deliver these election improvement grants directly to our local counties. Each visit has been met with an overwhelming response of gratitude,” said Morales. “I’ve reminded our county clerks that their dedication is appreciated and that my office is here to help. Many recipient counties will have their election improvements in place for the upcoming Primary Election,”
After presenting a check in Pulaski County, Secretary Morales visited with the Grant County Clerk to offer assistance for the upcoming Primary Election.