BEDFORD – A Bloomfield man was detained on drug charges after a Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department stopped his vehicle for having a false or fictitious license plate.
On Sunday, March 24, Deputy Brenten Trueblood was patrolling on State Road 37 at the Salt Creek bridge when he noticed a purple pickup with a license plate that returned to a 2010 Volkswagen and expired.

Deputy Trueblood stopped the driver, 44-year-old Joshua Brown of Bloomfield.
Deputy Trueblood spoke to Brown, who immediately began arguing with the officer. While Brown was searching for his license and registration Deputy Trueblood noticed an open knife box in Brown’s lap. He was asked if there was anything illegal in the vehicle. He told Deputy Trueblood he had a knife and a machete. Deputy Trueblood asked if there was marijuana in the pickup. Brown said there was a marijuana roach in there somewhere.
Brown was asked to step out of the truck. He complied after asking him twice to exit the vehicle and put his hands in his pocket. During a pat down, Deputy Trueblood found a cylinder container. Brown pulled out a USB drive. The deputy then asked about the cylinder container. Brown said it contained drugs.
Lawrence County Special Deputy David Walker and Deputy Kenton Carter arrived on the scene.
In the cylinder, police found 0.58 grams of crystal meth. In the center console of the truck, officers found a Tylenol bottle containing marijuana.
Brown was detained on charges of possession of meth and marijuana.