ORLEANS— Entries are still being accepted for the 54th Annual Orleans Dogwood Parade, which will be held on Saturday, April 27th, beginning at 2 p.m. Categories include floats, political, walking, equestrian, classic and/or antique vehicles, bands, etc.

The parade will start from the Orleans Jr-Sr. High School, located on the north edge of town, traditionally serves as the staging area for the event. Line-up begins at 11 a.m. and continues until 1 p.m. Judging of units begins at approximately 1 p.m.
The parade travels down Maple St. (S.R. 37 S.) and through the historic downtown area.
Entry forms may now be obtained by visiting the Dogwood Festival website, www.orleansdogwoodfestival.com. They can also be found inside The Orleans Progress Examiner and in the Orleans Town offices.
For more information on the parade, contact Chairperson Jennifer Blanton at 812-797-2847.