ST. JOSEPH – The St. Joseph County Judicial Nominating Commission announced five nominees to fill an upcoming judicial vacancy:
- Christopher Fronk
- Magistrate Elizabeth Hardtke
- Kristen Kocsis
- John Maciejczyk
- Magistrate Matthew Raper
The nominees will be submitted to Governor Eric Holcomb for consideration. He will name a superior court judge. Under state law, the Commission must submit to the governor a list of up to five nominees with written evaluations of each candidate. Upon receiving the list of nominees, Governor Holcomb has 60 days to make an appointment to the St. Joseph Superior Court.
The vacancy on the St. Joseph Superior Court became available on January 26 when Judge Cristal C. Brisco was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana. In February, the Commission announced applications for the position would be accepted until March 4.
According to the statute, the applicant’s names are confidential. On Monday, April 15, the Commission interviewed candidates and then met in executive session to deliberate and select the nominees.
Indiana Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey G. Slaughter chairs the Commission, which is online and offers details on membership.