BEDFORD- The year is almost complete, and as juniors anticipate their final year, BNL wants to share this vital information with you and your family. Next year, seniors will be required to have up-to-date vaccines that are Indiana state-required for their senior year of high school – you will need to make sure these are complete before school begins in August of 2024.
BNL will offer a FREE Vaccine Clinic for next year’s seniors’ shots on Wednesday, April 17th, from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. The Lawrence County Health Department will be on-site to administer the state-required vaccines free of charge.

The vaccine clinic is only available for current Juniors. The Lawrence County Health Department will mail letters home this week to all students who still need the vaccines, along with a letter from BNL.
To request an appointment for the onsite clinic, parents must complete the authorization form and return it to the office at BNL (students may return it). This will ensure an appointment on April 17th at BNL.
The State of Indiana requires certain vaccinations for school-aged children. These are necessary for your child to continue in school. Seniors must have met all the necessary vaccinations within their first few weeks of senior year. To help make the process easier, BNL has invited the Lawrence County Health Department to come to our school to administer vaccines, and they graciously accepted. The Lawrence County Health Department received a list of eligible juniors and address labels on February 6, 2024. Students who are exempt from vaccinations were not included in this list. They have checked Indiana’s vaccination registry, CHIRP, to see what vaccines your child still needs and when that vaccine is due. They will mail a letter two weeks before the clinic on April 17, 2024. They will send you a consent form to sign and return to the BNL office. This is a free service provided by the Lawrence County Health Department in cooperation with NLCS and BNLHS. If you haven’t received a letter or have questions, please get in touch with the BNL school nurse, Holly, at 812-279-9756.