HUNTINGTON CO. – Tuesday at approximately 9:00 a.m., officers from the Indiana State Police Fort Wayne Post and the Huntington County Sheriff’s Department were dispatched to a vehicle crash on I-69 (287mm) just south of Markle, Huntington County.
The first arriving officers found a red 2018 Ford Focus passenger car with heavy front end damage down the grass center median at the I-69 287mm. Officers found the driver (sole occupant) of the passenger car to be unresponsive with no pulse and suffering from severe traumatic injury. Fire and EMS personnel from Markle arrived on the scene, as well as the Huntington County Coroner, who then pronounced the male driver deceased.
The Indiana State Police has assumed the investigation. Preliminarily, the investigation found that the Ford Focus had been traveling southbound on I-69 in the left lane. For an unknown reason, the Ford Focus ran off the roadway to the left, ran down into the grass median, impacted the interstate cable barrier system, causing heavy front-end damage, and then came to rest in the median.
The male driver has been identified as Quentin Crawford, 19, of Fort Wayne, IN. The Crawford family has been notified of his death.
As part of the continuing investigation, the Huntington County Coroner has scheduled an autopsy tomorrow morning at the Northeast Indiana Forensic Center in Fort Wayne.
This remains an active death investigation by the Indiana State Police. There is no further information to release at this time.
Troopers from the Fort Wayne Post were assisted at the scene by the Huntington County Sheriff’s Department, Markle Fire & EMS personnel, the Huntington County Coroner’s Office, and A-Plus Towing.