ORLEANS – The 54th Anniversary of the Orleans Dogwood Festival kicks off this coming weekend with several special opening events, including the 2024 Dogwood Queen Crowning ceremonies set for Saturday, April 20, at 5 p.m. at the Orleans Elementary School gym.

As in years past, the 2024 “Mr. Dogwood” will be crowned during the intermission for the queen crowning. The ceremonies are open to the public, and everyone is encouraged to attend.
Other happenings include the Town-Wide Yard Sale on Friday and Saturday. The Dogwood Historic Walk will start from Congress Square at 9 a.m.
The Dogwood Classic Car Show will take center stage Saturday in historic Congress Square. Registration starts at 10 a.m., with the show running from Noon until 4 pm. In addition, show organizers have added a Model Car Show for area youth.

The popular Dogwood Baby Contest will be held this Sunday, April 21, at 2 p.m. at the Orleans High School cafeteria. The “Little Mister Dogwood” Contest is also on Sunday, starting at 1 p.m. at the elementary school.
The festival kicks in full gear on Monday, April 22, with the opening of the Midway downtown and a host of fun family events that run right through Parade Day, April 27.
Advance Sales of the Carnival Armband Tickets are now underway and available at various locations around town. They must be purchased in advance and cost $30.
The Orleans Band Parents Food Stand opens to feed festival goers starting Monday, April 22.

A longtime festival favorite, the Phi Beta Psi Styles & Salads, is set for Tuesday, April 23, at Orleans Elementary. However, tickets for the event are Sold out.
Other returning favorites include the Student Art Show and the Photo Contest Display, which are showcased at the Orleans Library throughout the entire festival week.
On Wednesday April 24 will be “Gospel Night in the Park,” starting at 6 p.m. with the Breeding Sisters & Worth the Journey. In addition, the Deaton Family Band will perform that evening. Attendees should bring their lawn chairs.
The Orleans Chamber of Commerce and Visit French Lick/West Baden sponsor the town’s trademark festival annually.
For a complete schedule of events and the latest updates visit www.orleansdogwoodfestival.com and/or visit the Orleans Dogwood Festival Facebook.