ORLEANS— Tickets go on sale starting May 1 for the 2024 Orleans Alumni Banquet, held on Saturday, June 1, at the Orleans High School Practice Gym.
Dinner tickets are $25 and must be purchased in advance from Mid-Southern Savings, Orleans Town Office, and Orleans Library. The deadline for buying tickets is May 31. No tickets will be sold or available at the door.
Complimentary tickets will again be available to all Graduating Seniors; however, if they opt to bring a guest, they will be required to purchase a dinner ticket. Seniors planning to attend should sign up with Mr. Wolford in the O.H.S. Principal’s Office.
This year’s Honor Classes all end in 4; however, anyone may attend. The O.H.S. Class of 1974 will celebrate its Golden Anniversary during the event.
2024 Orleans Alumni Association President Mike Magill is reminding everyone, especially this year’s honor classes, that the association annually awards several scholarships during the banquet, and donations, memorials, etc., in any amount toward this endeavor, are greatly appreciated. Christie Morgan is serving as alumni treasurer for 2024.
Class Representatives for each Honor Class are being urged to contact their classmates about the banquet details and any other reunion activities being planned that weekend.
Those needing more information on the alumni banquet are asked to contact either Magill at 812-653-1622 via email at magillcm@gmail.com or Leslie Padgett, 812-653-7593, leslie@jssportswear.net, or find and like the Orleans Alumni Association Facebook page.