INDIANAPOLIS- Last week, troopers from the Lowell District attended and received awards during the annual Indiana State Police Awards Ceremony for their efforts and work in 2023. The ceremony was held at the Indiana Government Center South Auditorium.

Superintendent Douglas G. Carter presented Trooper Joshua M. Luckey with the 2023 District DUI Award for the Lowell District. Trooper Luckey is a graduate of the 81st Indiana State Police Recruit Academy and is a two-year veteran of the department. Trooper Luckey had 113 O.W.I. arrests in 2023, placing him as the second highest in the entire state. Trooper Dennis L. Griffin, the 2023 Trooper of the Year, also placed third for O.W.I. arrests with 111 in 2023. Both Trooper Luckey and Trooper Griffin were awarded the “Life Award for D.U.I.” for placing in the top five.

Superintendent Carter also presented Corporal Kimberly M. Zelnis and Corporal Bobbie (Butch) J. Crowder “Lifesaving Awards”. Both Corporals were recognized for their roles in performing CPR and administering NARCAN to an unconscious male who had been a passenger in a vehicle that had pulled into the Lowell State Police Post for help.

Finally, Superintendent Carter presented Major Jerry W. Williams, First Sergeant Terrance F. Weems, First Sergeant William H. Jones, Sergeant Dwayne Dillahunty, Lake County Supervising Prosecuting Attorney Tim Brown, ISP Attorney Jeffrey J. Pitts, and Senator Rodney Pol Jr., with “Meritorious Service Awards” for each of their roles in the recent partnership between the Indiana State Police and the Gary Police Department under former Mayor Jerome A. Prince.