ORLEANS- The Town of Orleans has had planning regulations in place since 1994. There are a few planning rules that citizens who live and/or own town property should be aware of especially as we move into the spring and summer months.
Anyone who wants to build something or make improvements and/or an addition to an existing structure that is 144 square feet or more is required to get a building permit before doing so. Building applications are available at the Orleans Town Hall M-F during regular business hours. Once the application is completed and submitted back to the town hall, the planning administrator and the town superintendent will inspect the proposed building site to ensure that there is enough distance away from property lines, alleys, and street right-of-way, as well as making sure the building will not be located on top of underground utility service lines.
Citizens are asked to contact Orleans Town Hall for any type of planning or building questions at 812-865-2539 or visit the town’s website at www.town.orleans.in.us. The town’s planning administrator/Building Inspector, Toby Fields, is also available to meet and assist residents with planning-related issues at the Orleans Town Offices on Tuesdays from 9 to 11 a.m. and other times by appointment.