Register now for HSE Bootcamp

BEDFORD – An HSE Boot Camp will be held in May for adults and teens 16 and older who don’t have a high school diploma. Those attending can earn their High School Equivalency Diploma in three days.

The 3-Day Bootcamp is free to attend.

Registration ends Friday, May 9. To register, visit and choose “3-Day Bootcamp”. Contact Cathy Bullington, Lawrence County adult education coordinator, at 812-797-3559 or email for assistance.

If you are 16 or older, left high school before graduating, and need a brief skills brush-up to become familiar with the test, High School Equivalency Bootcamp could be for you.

Admission is based on the results of a Qualifying Pre-Test in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. The test will be given on Saturday, May 11, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the StoneGate Arts & Education Center on 15th Street in Bedford.