Mike Braun picks State Rep. Julie McGuire as his choice for lieutenant governor

INDIANA – Indiana’s Republican nominee for governor, United States Sen. Mike Braun, announced his choice for lieutenant governor.

Rep. Julie McGuire

Braun, who secured almost 40% of the votes in the primary, endorsed State Rep. Julie McGuire. McGuire serves Perry Township and a portion of Franklin Township in Marion County in the Indiana House of Representatives.

McGuire was first elected to the Indiana General Assembly in November 2022. Her website states she supports parental rights, the rights of the unborn, educational choice for Hoosier students, the Second Amendment, and law enforcement.

“I’m excited to partner with Mike Braun and work on promoting conservative values for our state,” she said.

McGuire believes her focus on public policy and her already established relationships in the Indiana Statehouse make her stand out as a candidate for lieutenant governor.

That focus on public policy, specifically conservative and entrepreneurial, stood out to Braun in picking McGuire. Braun stressed that McGuire “fit that bill,” helping Braun’s efforts in various areas like healthcare and increasing the workforce.

Senator Mike Braun

“I think for Julie, being a partner with her conservative credit and her legislative chops in a small amount of time, that’s how you get things done,” he said.

Even though McGuire has been named Braun’s preferred choice as his lieutenant governor, the Republican Party of Indiana controls which candidate will be nominated for the position. The GOP convention is scheduled for June 15. If the delegates choose, McGuire will join Braun to challenge Democratic nominee Jennifer McCormick and Libertarian Donald Rainwater in the gubernatorial race.

Braun will face Jennifer McCormick, the state’s former superintendent of public instruction, who was elected as the Democratic candidate during Tuesday’s primary. Braun and McCormick are expected to face Donald Rainwater, a Libertarian candidate, in November’s general election.
