MITCHELL- The Persimmon Festival in Mitchell is a staple of the area’s annual calendar and has been for 77 years now. If you are a business owner and you are trying to find a way to get some serious exposure, sponsor a part of the festival. Sponsorships start at $100; any amount given directly supports the Persimmon Festival.

You can choose between stage and entertainment or parade sponsorship, and new this year is the ability to sponsor an event at the festival. You can specify which event you would like to sponsor, and your name and logo will be included on Facebook, Instagram, the Persimmon Festival website, and the Festival brochure. Also new this year is the sponsorship of the Festival Committee. Your business logo will be on the back of the committee’s t-shirts and will be visible all week.
The Persimmon Festival is Mitchell’s biggest event of the year and a great opportunity to get your business name and logo in front of thousands of daily attendees. The provider for the rides and games has changed, so crowds are expected to be huge this year. Sponsorships should be submitted by August 1 to be recognized on the sponsorship banner. For a sponsorship form, or if you need any additional assistance, contact Festival Chairperson Aimee (Carlisle) Phillips at 812-545-1309 or email mitchellpersimmonfestival@gmail.com.