Looking for a fun, short-term day camp for a young person this summer? Open to all Lawrence
County youth that just completed grades K-2, 4-H is hosting two days of crafts, food, and games
on June 24 and 25, 2024. Mini 4-H Day Camp programming will take place from 8 am to 3 pm each
day at the Lawrence County 4-H Fairgrounds. The theme this year is safari.

Campers will enjoy crafts, outdoor games, STEM experiments, story-telling, food and snacks, and
more. They will even make things that can be displayed at the Lawrence County 4-H
Fair if they are interested. Campers can be dropped off at 8 am and picked up at 3 pm. They will
have 4-H teen leaders serving as counselors for their camp experience.
Thanks to grant funding through the Indiana 4-H Foundation and Premier Ag, participants can
join the camp for just $35, which includes all meals and materials. Registration is due June 16.
Space is limited to the first 35 youths who complete registration.
For more information, check out https://Mini4Hcamp.4honline.com. Those already in 4-H can
register through their 4HOnline profile (https://4honline.com), and those not in 4-H currently can
contact the office for directions. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Purdue Extension-
Lawrence County office, 812-275-4623, by emailing the 4-H Extension Educator, Lesley Lodmell
at lodmell@purdue.edu.
For more information about other 4-H subjects in Lawrence County or the 4-H program,
visit https://extension.purdue.edu/Lawrence. If you have questions about Lawrence County 4-H,
call Lesley Lodmell, 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator, at 812-275-4623.