Frog gigging season opens June 15

INDIANA –– If you’re looking for an outside-of-the-box hunt, consider visiting a local pond or wetland for a frog hunt, or come to the annual frog gigging night at Goose Pond FWA June 21.

Frog hunting season runs from June 15, 2024 – April 30, 2025, and hunters can harvest the American bullfrog and green frog.

The bag limit is 25 frogs per day with a possession limit of 50 frogs, and any combination of bullfrogs or green frogs maybe be used to reach these bag and harvest limits.

Frog legs

Information on identifying these frog species can be found on the herpetology program website.

For an introduction to cooking frogs, check out our YouTube channel for a tasty Creole-style frog leg recipe.