Emergency Management preparing plans in the event of disasters

BEDFORD— Emergency Management Director Valerie Luchauer reported during the commissioner’s meeting Tuesday that Lawrence County will be prepared for a tornado, flooding, hazardous spills, infectious diseases, and other emergencies.

Valerie Luchauer

The plan was signed by Mitchell City Council Monday night.

The Lawrence County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan lays the foundation for resiliency by identifying the most significant risks of disasters and creating strategies to mitigate these risks. FEMA requires that this plan be updated every five years.

According to Luchauer, planning reduces loss of life and property by minimizing the impact of disasters. It begins with state, tribal, and local governments identifying natural disaster risks and common vulnerabilities in their area.

After identifying these risks, officials will develop long-term strategies for protecting people and property from similar events.

Luchauer says mitigation plans are vital in breaking the cycle of disaster damage and reconstruction.

Luchauer is now working to update the Emergency Operation Plan. The plan should be completed this week and sent to local agencies for review next week.