Congresswoman Erin Houchin criticizes President Biden’s Executive Order on Border Security

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Tuesday, Congresswoman Erin Houchin stated in response to President Biden’s executive order on border security: 

Erin Houchin

“Joe Biden’s executive order on the border is nothing but window dressing. We have seen record numbers of illegal crossings since the day he took office, when he welcomed this madness by reversing Trump-era policies,” said Houchin. “Biden’s cynical executive order will merely normalize a level of illegal immigration that President Obama’s DHS chief said would ‘overwhelm the system.’Under Biden’s EO, DHS would not be allowed to turn asylum seekers away until illegal border crossings exceed 2,500 per day – which is nearly 1 million per year. America is being invaded and has been for three years now. It’s no coincidence that Joe Biden is making this political stunt weeks before the presidential debate and 5 months before the election. It’s clear that this administration has no interest in solving this humanitarian and national security crisis. Too little. Too late. Pass HR2.”