Senator Braun addresses members of Indiana National Guard before Middle East deployment

CAMP ATTERBURY— On Friday, May 31, Senator Mike Braun addressed soldiers from the Indiana National Guard 252nd Support Maintenance Company and their families and friends at their departure ceremony before the unit deployed to Kuwait.

Senator Braun stands for the national anthem with Major General Lyles, the adjutant general of the Indiana National Guard

Senator Braun’s remarks are below:

“I am so proud of the strong National Guard presence we have here in Indiana. Our National Guard are called to action to serve the Hoosier state and the country at a moment’s notice. We cannot thank you enough for your service and sacrifice.”

“The rigorous training and preparation you have endured has prepared you for this very moment. I owned a trucking and logistics company down in Jasper for many years.

I know just how important properly maintained vehicles are to an operation, and the dedication and expertise it takes behind the scenes to keep things running. As maintenance specialists, you are critical to mission success. You work hard every day to make sure every part of the operation runs flawlessly from the vehicles to critical equipment. As you prepare to deploy abroad, remember the importance of your contributions to our state and to our nation. Your work directly strengthens our national security and I am confident in your abilities to serve and make our country proud.”

“I would also like to recognize the families of our Guard. Many of you are with us here today. Our Hoosier military families are truly unsung heroes. Thank you for your love, support, and sacrifice for our servicemembers. Let’s have a round of applause for our Indiana Guard families who sacrifice so much to help our state. As your Senator, taking care of our servicemembers, veterans, and their families have always been top of mind fo