FREE registration open for the Limestone Heritage Festival Parade

BEDFORD— The annual Limestone Heritage Festival Parade will occur on Saturday, June 29th, at 6 PM. There is still time to register to be part of the lineup. New this year, all parade entrants are requested to bring in a bag of candy for the Candy Cruiser to distribute at the start of the parade. Registration is free, but each participant is asked to bring a bag of candy.

The theme of the Limestone Heritage Festival Parade is, “Patriotic,” and each entry is asked to be decorated accordingly. The Grand Marshal for the parade this year is Jay Fiddler. Be sure to decorate in style with all the red, white, and blue you like. Get creative and compete for an award in your category. You have a chance to earn an award, such as an Award of Excellence Plaque or a Most Patriotic Award Plaque.

There will be “Award of Excellence” given for the following categories:

  • Antique Car
  • Antique Truck
  • Chuch
  • Commercial Entry
  • Equestrian
  • Fire Truck
  • Tractor
  • Musical
  • Non-Commercial Entry
  • Vehicle

The Commercial and Non-Commercial Entry categories will also be judged for “Most Patriotic.”

An overall award will also be given to the parade entry, which is the “Overall Most Patriotic.”

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The lineup will begin at 3 pm; every participant must be lined up at 5:30.

If you or your business wants to be in the Limestone Heritage Festival Parade, you can find more information at this link: