“Good Touch, Bad Touch” presentation helps a child speak out, Columbus man arrested

COLUMBUS— Investigators say a “good touch, bad touch” presentation at a Bartholomew County grade school led to the arrest of a man accused of molesting a young girl while “playing doctor.”

Terry R. Cheek, 61, Columbus, was arrested last week and charged with two counts of felony child molestation under 14.

Terry Cheek

The investigation into Cheek’s actions began after a young student reported against Cheek following the “good touch, bad touch” presentation at her school.

Court documents show that last December, a presenter came to the child’s school in Columbus and discussed the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touches from adults.

After the class, a 10-year-old reported Cheek had touched her in the “bathing suit” areas. She said the man had asked her to “play doctor” when she was six years old and that he touched her private parts.

The victim described a separate incident that occurred more recently. The child said she was alone with Cheek when he pulled her on top of him, shushed her, touched her breasts, and rubbed the outside of her jeans between her legs. The child, during interviews with police and a child advocate, said Cheek described as “our little secret.” He also told the young victim if she told anyone, he would tell people she was lying, and if she told the police, he would tell them her mom did bad things to her.

The child told investigators she felt the touching as “This is not right at all,” and she felt unsafe around Cheek.

Cheek told police and the Department of Child Service he would not participate in the interview and would hire an attorney.

The information was forwarded to the Bartholomew County Prosecutor’s Office, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Cheek appeared in Bartholomew Superior Court 1 on Thursday, June 6, for his initial hearing, and a not-guilty plea was entered on his behalf.