Ten additional Marion County judges qualified by the Committee

INDIANAPOLIS— The Marion County Judicial Selection Committee met today to fulfill its statutory duty to make a public recommendation to voters regarding the retention of ten incumbent Marion Superior Court judges.

In 2018, the judges who previously participated in the retention process were recommended for retention by the Committee and were retained by voters. That process included a statutorily required public interview. Each judge’s six-year term expires at the end of the year, and each judge has filed to be retained in office.

The judges could appear before the Committee again for a public interview. Eight judges voluntarily appeared for an interview, and two chose not to participate in interviews.

After considering the judges’ qualifications and performance in office, the Committee finds that the following judges ARE qualified and SHOULD BE retained in office:

  • Judge Linda Brown
  • Judge John Chavis
  • Judge Alicia Gooden
  • Judge Clayton Graham
  • Judge Amy Jones
  • Judge James Joven
  • Judge Helen Marchal
  • Judge William Nelson
  • Judge Clark Rogers
  • Judge Jose Salinas

All ten incumbent judges listed above and eight previously deemed qualified will appear on the ballot in November for voters to determine whether or not they should each be retained.

Two judges whose terms expire at the year’s end are not seeking retention. Applications to fill the vacancies will be released at a later date. Indiana Code 33-33-49-13.1 to 33-33-49-13.7 authorize the duties of the committee. Details about its work and membership can be found online.