BLOOMINGTON – The Arthritis Foundation’s Walk With Ease Program is a community-based physical activity and self-management education program.

While walking is the central activity, Walk With Ease is a multi-component program that includes health education, stretching and strengthening exercises, and motivational strategies. The program includes a guidebook and a walking schedule to get you safely moving toward better health.
Walking With Ease meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting June 24 and concluding August 2. Classes will be held from 9 – 10 a.m. and will meet at the Switchyard Park Picnic Shelter by the playground. Walking will take place outdoors on the B-Line Trail.
For weather-related updates, call the Community Events Hotline at 812-349-3754.
For more information, contact the Health and Wellness Coordinator at shelby.drake@bloomington.in.gov.