Commissioners approve work at Courthouse Plaza and Extension office

BEDFORD – On Tuesday morning, the Lawrence County Commissioners approved paying SLB Pipe Solutions to work on the sewer lines at the Lawrence County Purdue Extension office.

Commissioner Vice President Rodney Fish

“We have a problem with the sewer pipe from the building to the city main,” said Commissioner Rodney Fish. “We were concerned we would have to dig up 16th Street to address the problem. But we think we have found another solution.”

SLB Pipe will run a new line in the existing pipe.

The cost of the project is $13,000.

Commissioner Dustin Gabhart

The commissioners approved Meadows Heating/ MCH Generators to add a mini-split heat pump at Superior Court II at Courthouse Plaza.

“The older air-conditioning unit at Superior Court II needs to be upgraded,” said Commissioner Dustin Gabhart. “They will add this second unit to help cool the courtroom during jury trials and other times when needed.”

The cost to install the unit is $15,400 and will be paid with building improvement and repair funds.