Martin County Sheriff’s Department mourning the unexpected loss of canine Spike

SHOALS – The Martin County Sheriff’s Department mourns the unexpected loss of canine Spike.

Spike’s handler, Captain Larry Gibson, reported the tragic news on the morning of Sunday, June 16.

Spike was born on December 2, 2017, in Neuendorf, Bavaria, Germany. He was imported from Germany and trained with former Deputy Cody Shinn in 2018.

Spike’s current handler is Captain Larry Gibson. The team has been active since June 12, 2019.

Spike was trained in dual-purpose, meaning he was trained in patrol and detection. Spike loved going to work with Captain Gibson and finding drugs.

In Spike’s off-duty time, he loved to play fetch and play with Captain Gibson’s kids. Spike played a considerable role in the lives of the Sheriff’s Department employees, the community, and Captain Gibson’s family.

Please pray for Captain Gibson’s family, their friends, and the community during this difficult time.