The Art of Being Still 

INDIANA – Life is busy! We’re managing so much in our daily lives to stay on top of things: jobs, kids, school, sports, other extracurricular activities, community projects, relationships with family and friends, staying healthy, managing finances…the list goes on and on. Getting all these boxes checked can feel like a second job. 

Our lives are buzzing as we attempt to make everything happen at once. It’s no wonder we are seeing the rise of young families moving away from the “city life dream” their parents once had to a minimalistic worldview – a quieter life with activities like growing a garden, decluttering, canning food, and other ways to escape the “chaos” and be more self-sufficient. 

Though escapism is not always healthy, we can appreciate the lost art of living a less stressful life by resting in our current reality. One way we can experience this stillness is through practicing mindfulness, a skill often used in meditation.

To practice mindfulness, you focus on the present without fear of the future or dwelling in the past. There are different ways to be mindful, but the gist is being completely in the moment without any distracting thoughts. Mindfulness is a great skill for people of all ages to learn.

Studies have shown that mindfulness helps children develop self-control and stress-management skills. It also helps adults reduce stress and learn to enjoy even the small moments. When families combine their individual mindfulness practices, they are able to make more meaningful connections together. Though being still in the hustle and buzz is often hard, utilizing mindfulness can be a simple yet effective way to reset our minds and bodies.

One activity I would suggest is gratitude mapping. You begin by taking a breath, being mindful of all the things in your life you are thankful for, and then writing a list of those things. This activity shifts the focus to a more positive mindset, which fosters kindness in our interactions.

Another activity you can try as a family is mindful listening. There are many ways to do this, but going outside and closing your eyes is the easiest. What do you hear? Pay attention to the birds, wind, and other outside noises. You can take it a step further and notice the grass under your feet, the wind, or the sun on your face. You can also use calming music for this activity.

Breathing, movement, and growth are essential to live a purposeful life. To achieve the art of being still, we can utilize our mindfulness skills to reset our bodies and remind ourselves that our “to-do” lists and events do not define us. Rather, it is our interactions with those around us that define us.

Chasidy Lambert, MSW, LSW, is a Youth First Mental Health Professional

Chasidy Lambert, MSW, LSW, is a Youth First Mental Health Professional at Evans Elementary School in Vanderburgh County. Youth First, Inc., is a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening youth and families. Youth First provides 90 highly trained mental health professionals (primarily master’s level social workers), prevention programs, parent engagement coordinators, and bilingual support personnel to 125 schools across 14 Indiana counties. Over 52,000 youth and families yearly are served by Youth First’s school-based social work and community programs that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and maximize student success. To learn more about Youth First, visit or call 812-421-8336.