“Comedy to the Rescue” event hosted by the White River Humane Society

BEDFORD— The White River Humane Society will host a “Comedy to the Rescue” event on August 2nd at 6 p.m. This event will help raise funds to provide care, medical treatment, and space for needed animals.

The event will include a silent auction. The Humane Society seeks donations, both monetary and auction items. All donations will be prominently displayed throughout the event. Contact Sarah Turpen by Monday, July 22nd, if you want to contribute.

The tickets are $30 per person. This includes the comedy show and the silent auction. To purchase tickets, visit this link: https://whiteriverhumanesociety.org/events.

White River Humane Society is asking businesses to consider donating new items, gift cards, or services to benefit homeless animals at the shelter. To contribute to the auction, contact Sarah Turpen at 930-243-3335 or at sarahwrhs@gmail.com.