Sen. Eric Koch reappointed to the Uniform Law Commission

INDIANA— State Sen. Eric Koch (R-Bedford) was reappointed as a commissioner to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws by Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville). 

The Uniform Law Commission (ULC), now in its 133rd year, provides states with nonpartisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law. Commissioners must be members of the bar, and typically serve in their communities as state legislators, practitioners, judges and law professors. They serve for specific terms and receive no salaries or fees for their work with the ULC. Headquartered in Chicago, the ULC is comprised of more than 300 lawyers, judges and law professors.  

The ULC: 

  • Strengthens the federal system by providing rules and procedures that are consistent from state to state, but also reflect the diverse experience of the states; 
  • Represents all state experiences by having representatives from each state; 
  • Keeps state law up-to-date by addressing important and timely legal issues; 
  • Reduces the need for individuals and businesses to deal with different laws as they move and conduct business in different states; 
  • Facilitates economic development and provides a legal platform for foreign entities to deal with U.S. citizens and businesses; 
  • Draws on the expertise of commissioners, but also utilizes input from legal experts, advisors and observers representing the views of other legal organizations or interests that will be subject to the proposed laws; and 
  • Represents true value for the states, as it is a state-supported organization, providing services that most states could not otherwise afford or duplicate. 

The commissioners participate in drafting specific acts; discuss, consider and amend drafts of other commissioners; decide whether to recommend an act as a uniform or a model act; and work toward enactment of ULC legislation in their home jurisdictions. ULC commissioners donate thousands of hours of their time and legal and drafting expertise every year as a public service. 

To learn more about the Uniform Law Commission, click here.  

Sen. Koch serves as chair of the Senate Committee on Utilities and is an attorney with the Koch Law Firm P.C. He is also the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary and the Senate Committee on Commerce and Technology. He also serves on the Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law. Sen. Koch can be reached by phone at 800-382-9467.