Reps. May and Bartels receive summer study committee appointments

STATEHOUSE—State Reps. Stephen Bartels (R-Eckerty) and Chris May (R-Bedford) recently received appointments to serve on interim study committees. The committees will meet throughout the summer and fall to explore policy issues and identify solutions.

Legislators will hear testimony from the public, various experts and stakeholders as they work on bill recommendations ahead of the budget session in January.

May will serve as a member of the Interim Study Committee on Government.

“Conversations during the interim provide lawmakers time to study key issues and receive feedback on how we can best address them,” May said. “As a member of the government study committee, we’ll take a closer look at the interstate compacts that Indiana is participating in and determine whether those are still relevant and should continue.”

Bartels will serve as chair of the Government Reform Task Force, and Interim Study Committee on Public Safety and Military Affairs. He will also serve as a member of the Integrated Public Safety Commission, Interim Study Committee on Public Policy, and State Council for Interstate Adult and Juvenile Offender Supervision.

The 2024 legislative interim study committee assignments and other legislative appointments for House members can be found here. Click here for the list of study committee topics. Committee hearings, which typically occur at the Statehouse in Indianapolis, can be viewed live online on the General Assembly’s website located