Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday at Ivy Tech Bloomington

BLOOMINGTON- The Campus Board of Trustees of Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington will hold the following meeting at Ivy Tech Bloomington in the Connie and Steve Ferguson Academic Building, 200 Daniels Way, Bloomington, Ind. 

July 16, 2024

3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Executive Session of the Campus Board of Trustees (not open to the public)

The Campus Trustees will meet in Executive Session in Lamkin Hall (C131) and are permitted under IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b) to discuss the subject listed below. A reference to the applicable subdivision of IC 5-14-1.5-6.1 (b) and a description of that subject is included.

(9) To discuss job performance evaluations of individual employees. This subdivision does not apply to a discussion of the salary, compensation, or benefits of employees during a budget process.

4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Regular Campus Board of Trustees Meeting (open to the public)

The Campus Trustees will hold a regular meeting in Lamkin Hall (C131) to consider and take action on such items as may be brought before them.

The agenda for the regular session is as follows:

I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Roll Call Campus Board
III. Report on Notice of Meeting
IV. Introduction of Guests
V. Approval of Minutes
VI. Chairperson’s Report
VII. Chancellor’s Report
VIII. Action Items, Including Other Matters to Come Before the Board
IX. Discussion Items
X. Information Items
XI. Future Meetings and Important Dates
XII. Adjournment