Secretary of State Diego Morales thanks House of Representatives, urges Senate to take action on the SAVE Act

INDIANAPOLIS- Secretary of State Diego Morales calls on the U.S. Senate to act on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.  The bill passed the U.S. House on Wednesday and now advances to the U.S. Senate.

Secretary Morales is calling on federal action to stop the potential of non-citizens voting in elections. After this vote, the House of Representatives clearly agrees and is taking a stand to protect elections.

The SAVE Act would strengthen the current law that allows only U.S. citizens to vote in elections. It would require states to require proof of citizenship when registering someone to vote.  States would also be required to remove non-citizens from existing voter rolls.

“I want to thank members of Congress for their support in this step towards passing significant legislation to safeguard the integrity of elections. I work hard to keep Indiana’s elections safe and secure, but I cannot do it without support. Now it’s up to the Senate.  Americans and Hoosiers are counting on their lawmakers, and the Biden administration has let them down.  Enough is enough,” said Diego Morales, Indiana Secretary of State.

Secretary Morales sent letters to Indiana’s members of Congress, requesting their support of the SAVE Act.

“In the past three and half years, Joe Biden has allowed more than 10 million illegal immigrants to cross our border.  Places like San Franciso and Washington D.C. already allow non-citizens to vote in their elections, and if Democrats had it their way, it would be allowed across the country.  198 Democrats voting against this bill should be a wake-up call to every American that the Democrat Party cares more about illegal immigrants than our own people,” said Representative Jim Banks (R-Ind.).

In addition to Rep. Banks, Secretary Morales would also like to thank Rep. Rudy Yakym, Rep. Victoria Spartz, Rep. Greg Pence, Rep. Erin Houchin, Rep. Jim Baird, and Rep. Larry Bucshon for their support in voting for the SAVE Act.

Secretary Morales is sending letters to Indiana’s U.S. Senators, requesting their support of the SAVE Act.