BEDFORD – Altrusa International of Bedford President Bill Barnes opened the club meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Altrusa Grace.
He recognized two guests and asked their host club members to introduce them. Becky Bailey introduced her guests, Nancy Dorsett and Elizabeth McKensie, who Mary Gabbard introduced in the hope they would become the club’s newest members.
The Lawrence County Museum and Genealogy sent a thank you letter for sponsoring a team for the Brain Games.
The sad announcement of member Nina Doan’s husband Richard’s sudden death Sunday morning, July 7th, was announced.
Suzie Turner pleaded for children’s books for our Avoca Park Little Library. She also reported on the
work day provided by a group of Altrusans at Becky’s Place by cleaning out and reorganizing their exterior donation shed. A thank you from them was also read.
Mary Gabbard presented the yearly Strategic Plan, which outlines the club’s community projects for fiscal
year June 2024 through May 2025.
President Barnes read the letter from Altrusa International recognizing Bedford as a Distinguished Club and including a $100 check. Also enclosed was a pen for our application for Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun
“International Relations” Award. Sara Kern, Treasurer, will display the pen on our Altrusa flag.
The club will construct the bookbags for Head Start and Playful Pathways students at the August meeting. Each member is to bring two boxes of Crayola twenty-four count crayons. Gloria Owen has created and copied 240 coloring books and requested colored paper for the covers, and Tammy Harrell volunteered to provide the ziplock bags. These will be distributed to Bedford Head Start by Donna, Becky, Suzie, and Nancy; Mitchell Head Start by Kathleen, Tammy, and Karen Weaver; and Playful Pathways at Stalker by Mary Barnes. A discussion generated ideas to replace the plastic bags next year with something more substantial, preferably fabric.
Several club members joined Vice President Kathleen Row to help Agape House man their game booth at the Limestone Heritage Festival. She reported they are seeking funds for a new facility as they have outgrown the current home. Becky Bailey and the members approved that the funds Altrusa has budgeted for Agape House be specified for their building fund. Kathleen, Becky, and Secretary
Mary Barnes will meet with their personnel to evaluate how Altrusa can assist them.
Fanny Lee is working with WBIW on the content of our advertising.
Sara Kern made sixteen one-half gallons of laundry detergent for Community Care.
Sammie Kay Polley asked for a show of hands from those interested in continuing to process plastic caps and lids for the “Caps To Benches” project in the calendar year 2025 as long as community projects continue to need this service. The current group all showed their hands.
The next meeting will be Monday, August 12, at 5:30 p.m. at Southland Church of Christ Annex.