Save the date for ‘Spaghetti on the Square’ to benefit the Men’s Warming Shelter

BEDFORD- Save the date for the Spaghetti on the Square Fundraiser for the Men’s Warming Shelter.

Join them from 5-8 pm on September 28th at the beautiful Harp Commons for all-you-can-eat spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, dessert, live music, and a silent auction. The best part? You will be supporting your local homeless outreach shelter.

The cost is $10 per person or 4 for $25.

In 2013, a homeless man died from cold exposure on a street in Bedford, and others were sleeping outside near the downtown area. Following this tragedy, Fr. Rick Eldred, then Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, worked closely with a coalition of other Lawrence County churches and city and county governmental officials to establish a low-barrier shelter for homeless men during the harsh winter months. The Men’s Warming Shelter opened on January 2, 2014, and has operated yearly since then. The Shelter was originally coordinated by and housed in the Salvation Army Building at 1629 K Street in Bedford. After the Salvation Army relocated in 2016, the City of Bedford eventually purchased the building and generously allowed the Men’s Warming Shelter to operate from that facility again. Unfortunately, the lease with the City terminated on April 30, 2021, and could not be extended.  However, in August 2021, they were fortunately able to purchase a building at 1414 H Street in Bedford, which is the new home of the Men’s Warming Shelter.  The one-level building is ideally located, is spacious, and, after many costly renovation expenses, meets our program needs perfectly.