JASPER – The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has given the Mid-States Corridor Project Team notice to proceed with the first Tier 2 Study.
Work will begin in the Dubois County area to determine the final alignment and access plan for the improved highway connection.
Work will begin in the Dubois County area to determine the alignment and access plan for the new highway. The Tier 2 Study will evaluate more site-specific impacts to determine the preferred location and right-of-way needs of a 200- to 500-foot-wide facility.
The Tier 1 Final Environmental Impact Statement identified the location of the 2,000-foot-wide corridor, which travels east of Huntingburg and Jasper. Section of Independent Utility (SIU) 2 extends from Interstate 64, around Huntingburg and Jasper, to S.R. 56 at Haysville. This study of SIU 2 is anticipated to take approximately three years to complete.
The Mid-States Corridor Project examines an improved highway connection in southern Indiana. The Mid-States Corridor generally follows US 231 from Interstate 64, passing east of Huntingburg and the Jasper area, and extends north to connect to Interstate 69. Additional Tier 2 Studies of the remaining SIUs have not been scheduled.
A media briefing to share the next steps in the Tier 2 study will be presented by Project Spokesperson Nicole Minton, Lochmueller Group, on Tuesday, July 23, at Noon.
The event will be held at the Vincennes University, Jasper Campus, Administration Building, Room Number 209, 850 College Avenue in Jasper.
Maps regarding the project study areas will be available following the briefing at Mid-States Corridor – Improving Regional Transportation (midstatescorridor.com)