Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales meets with the President of Guatemala

GUATEMALA CITY– Secretary of State Diego Morales met with the President of the Republic of Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo.

President Bernardo Arévalo hosted Secretary Morales during his recent visit to Guatemala.  They had a productive discussion about economic trade, immigration issues, and future partnerships. Developing mutually beneficial economic and cultural ties with international partners has been a critical focus for Secretary Morales since he took office.  He’s welcomed several diplomats and world leaders into his office throughout the past year and a half.

“I was honored to meet with President Arévalo in his office in the National Palace and highlight the work being done in the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office.  I will also embrace every opportunity to showcase the Hoosier state to the rest of the world, from being a leader in election integrity to our agriculture industry.  I look forward to strengthening ties between Indiana and Guatemala,” said Diego Morales, Indiana Secretary of State.

Secretary Morales was born in Guatemala before legally immigrating to America with his family. While living the American Dream, he returned to Guatemala to meet with the country’s President. Last summer, he led a delegation of credentialed Hoosier International Election Observers to Guatemala. The bipartisan delegation included county clerks, university faculty, and election officials.

On his visit, Secretary Morales also served as the keynote speaker of an AmCham Guatemala (American Chamber of Commerce) event.  He also met with the U.S. Ambassador and thanked him for his service.

Secretary Morales wishes President Arévalo much success in his administration and is excited to help the United States, Guatemala, and Indiana succeed together.  He thanks President Arévalo and his team for the hospitality and warm welcome. No taxpayer funds were used for this trip.