Secretary of State Diego Morales recognizes National Poll Worker Recruitment Day

INDIANA– Secretary of State Diego Morales is recognizing National Poll Worker Recruitment Day and urges eligible Hoosiers to get involved. During this pivotal election year, Secretary Morales calls on Hoosiers to consider serving their community and as an Election Poll Worker.

Poll workers are needed for the upcoming General Elections on November 5th. Indiana needs as many as 20,000 poll workers to administer efficient, trustworthy elections. Our state depends on this army of citizen poll workers to maintain our elections’ integrity and smooth operation.

Poll worker recruitment PSAs have aired more than 5,000 times on TV and radio stations statewide, and ads are circulating in more than 145 newspapers statewide.

Secretary Morales

“Recruiting dedicated poll workers is essential for the success of our elections. Elections statewide rely on committed Hoosiers who help ensure every vote is counted accurately and efficiently. I urge all eligible Hoosiers to step forward and serve their community in this critical role. Your participation helps uphold the integrity of our electoral process,” said Secretary of State Diego Morales.

Two easy requirements to become a poll worker:

  • You must be a registered voter and a resident of the county in which you wish to work
  • You must be at least 18 years old. Under the Hoosier Hall Pass, 16—to 17-year-old students may apply for poll worker positions.

Poll workers will receive required training and, depending on the county can earn compensation for Election Day service. They are tasked with duties such as setting up and preparing the polling location, welcoming voters, verifying voter registrations, and issuing ballots.

Hoosiers interested in signing up to be a poll worker or learning more are encouraged to contact their local election office, which can be found here

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission sponsors National Poll Worker Recruitment Day. Secretary Morales would like to thank our current poll workers for their dedication to the Hoosier state.