City of Jasper Park and Recreation Department offers historic tours and field trips

JASPER- Jasper Park and Recreation Department offers field trips and tours free of charge, with four locations within walking distance of the Riverwalk, shelter houses, and Lion’s Park. Educational experiences are offered with hands-on learning. Climb aboard the Spirit of Jasper Train and tour the depot. Tour the Jasper City Mill for a working demonstration of the grist mill. Step back in time in one of the first three schoolhouses in Dubois County. Make your own walnut ink bookmark and learn about early education. See demonstrations of early farming and woodworking at the Schaeffer Barn. Practice farm chores such as making feed for chickens. Other opportunities are also available at The Parklands.

Charter bus groups, classrooms, homeschools, and other organized groups are offered tours of these facilities Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Dana at 812-482-5959 or for the 2024-2025 Group Program Guide and to schedule a date.