INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana State Fair, kicking off today and running until August 18th, promises fun for all ages. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, the Indiana State Police offers several helpful tips for fairgoers.

Fairgoers can browse daily schedules, events, and activities by visiting the official Indiana State Fair website.
Research parking options beforehand at https://www.indianastatefair.com/p/state-fair/general-information/parking–directions. Consider the various entry gates and choose the one closest to your desired attractions. Upon parking, take a picture of your location using your phone’s camera or a “Find My Car” app to locate your vehicle later.
Always lock your car doors. Leave valuables at home if possible. If you must bring them, keep them out of sight, preferably locked in the trunk.
Monitor weather updates and be prepared for hot temperatures. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Take breaks in air-conditioned commercial buildings to cool down and avoid overexertion.
Be prepared to provide a detailed description of a lost child’s clothing in case of separation. Consider taking a picture of your child upon arrival for quicker identification. For children unfamiliar with their parents’ phone numbers, pick up a free child ID bracelet from any ISP booth. These same strategies can also be used if an adult or elderly visitor becomes separated from their caregiver.
Report any suspicious or criminal activity to the nearest police officer.
By following these tips and practicing common sense, visitors can maximize their enjoyment of the Indiana State Fair.