INDIANA – Central Indiana businesses must submit proposals by Oct. 1, 2024, to receive up to $3.7 million in funding to implement Central Indiana Waste Diversion Program (CIWDP) projects.
Successful applicant projects are funded through the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) Recycling Market Development Program. Eligible waste diversion and recycling projects are restricted to Marion, Hamilton, Hancock, Shelby, Johnson, Morgan, Hendricks, and Boone counties and implemented by private sector entities. Proposed projects must demonstrate waste diversion from landfills and incinerators and a dedicated Indiana-based market for the commercial use of the material.
Applications should demonstrate an understanding of the infrastructure, supply chain, and changing economy for recyclers and seek solutions where organizations and communities can most effectively use monies to increase waste diversion in Central Indiana. Funding criteria include the amount and type of waste diverted from landfills through the project and the potential for productive reuse of the diverted waste, with priority given to the largest amount of waste diversion potential through the project.
The Recycling Market Development Board will make final funding determinations in early Spring 2025.
To apply, visit recycle.IN.gov. For additional information about the Recycling Market Development Program, call 800-988-7901.
IDEM will host an information session on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. to discuss this funding opportunity. The webinar will summarize the CIWDP, including the timeline, requirements, and application guidance. Interested entities with potential waste diversion and recycling projects focusing on Central Indiana are invited to attend.
Register today to learn more by clicking here.
About the Recycling Market Development Program: The Recycling Market Development Program operates under the Recycling Market Development Board as established by IC 4-23-5.5. The grant money for the program comes from the Recycling Promotion and Assistance Fund, an account generated by a per-ton fee on solid waste disposed at Indiana landfills. The fund supports source reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting to prevent solid waste from permanent disposal.