BEDFORD—At the board meeting of the Plan Commission on Tuesday afternoon, Blue Peninsula (Patrick O’Leary) asked for a special exception permit for the property located at 3304 5th Street, at the intersection of State Road 37 and 5th Street in Bedford. They requested the permit to build a Wawa gas station and convenience store on the site.

Wawa primarily operates on the East Coast, with stores located from New Jersey to Florida. They are expanding to the Midwest region, and Bedford was chosen as a location for a future store. The location would be at the corner of State Road 37 and 5th Street, and other commercial office space will also be added to the site. Ground will be broken in 2025, with a projected opening in 2026.

After a thorough presentation by Blue Peninsula, a motion was made to approve the special exception permit. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.