BEDFORD—Jolene Brackey, author of “Creating Moments of Joy,” has been an educator on Alzheimer’s disease for more than twenty years. She’s coming to Bedford to share a bit of humor, kindness, and tips to help ease the journey of Alzheimer’s disease.

Two sessions will be offered, one for providers and another for community members. Seating is limited for both sessions. Register using the QR code.
Provider presentation
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 17
Time: 9 – 11 am
Location: Indiana Limestone Company Building (405 I St., Bedford)
Details: This free, accredited CE and CME presentation is focused on learning to creatively and effectively turn hard situations into moments of joy. Continuing Education and Continuing Medical Education credit is offered for nurses, social workers, activity directors and many other healthcare professionals.
Community presentation
Date: Tuesday, Sept. 17
Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Location: Indiana Limestone Company Building (405 I St., Bedford)
Details: Jolene will share practical skills to help be with a person living with dementia in a way that makes them feel heard and supported, turning challenging situations into moments of joy. This free presentation does not include CE credits.
For more information, please email dmatthews4@iuhealth.org.