BEDFORD- The third cohort of The Parent Project will begin on September 9, 2024. This class will be held each Monday for nine weeks from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the StoneGate Arts and Education Center, 931 15th Street, Bedford, IN. This course helps parents address any destructive or unwanted behavior, which could be substance use, refusing to attend school, running away, negative peer associates, and more. This class is for parents/caregivers of 10-17 year olds. You can also learn to never argue with your child again!

There is a $30.00 program fee. To register, call Katie Messmann at 812-275-5754 or complete the pre-registration form here, and someone will contact you to complete the registration. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Katie at 812-275-5754.