Mitchell woman faces felony charges after firing a gun during an altercation

MITCHELL – The Mitchell Police Department filed charges against Betty J. Stevens, a 44-year-old resident of Mitchell, following an incident in which she discharged a firearm during a physical altercation between two individuals. The incident occurred on July 12, 2024, near her residence at 116 Dale Street.

Betty Stevens

According to a probable cause affidavit submitted by Officer Jacob Kuhlman of the Mitchell Police Department, Stevens admitted to firing her gun into the air in an attempt to break up a fight between Jeremy Morris and Dustin Stinson. The altercation reportedly occurred at approximately 9:15 p.m. on the evening in question.

Stevens told law enforcement that she felt threatened by the situation. However, witnesses, including Natasha Ester and Kenneth Edmonson, stated that Stevens was not directly involved in the altercation and that no one had approached or physically harmed her before the discharge of the weapon. Witnesses also noted that there were children and other bystanders near when Stevens fired the gun.

As a result of her actions, Stevens is now facing charges of intimidation with a deadly weapon and criminal recklessness, both classified as Level 6 felonies.

The Mitchell Police Department requested a warrant for Stevens’ arrest, which the Lawrence County Prosecutor issued.

Officer Kuhlman emphasized that discharging a firearm in a public area, especially in the presence of children and other bystanders, is a serious offense that will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The community’s safety remains the top priority for law enforcement, and incidents of this nature are taken very seriously.