Temperatures soar, Duke Energy offering tips to help consumers save energy and money

INDIANA—With temperatures soaring in Indiana, Duke Energy is offering tips to help customers save energy and money.

When the Indiana heat is on, Duke Energy customers often use more energy to stay cool, leading to higher bills. We’ve compiled these simple tips to help you manage these costs and reduce the overall energy demand, particularly during peak afternoon hours.

  • Even small changes can make a big difference. Start by setting your thermostat in the most comfortable setting. The smaller the difference between the inside and outside temperatures, the lower your energy usage. This simple adjustment can lead to significant savings. Avoid using your washer/dryer and dishwasher during the day. If possible, delay using those appliances until evening.
  • Close blinds and curtains during the day to help reduce solar heat gain and keep your home cooler.
  • Opt for energy-efficient appliances like microwaves and cooktops, which use less energy than electric ovens. Consider outdoor grilling during high-demand hours to keep your indoor temperatures lower. By making these choices, you’re saving energy and reducing your bills. Using a ceiling fan can make a room feel cooler than it is. Remember that fans cool people, not rooms, so turn them off when you leave the room. 
  • Take control of your energy usage by turning off unnecessary appliances, unused plug-ins, and lights. This simple step can help you manage your energy costs effectively. 

Find more tips and tools to help control energy use and costs at duke-energy.com/SeasonalBills