MITCHELL—Nothing is more critical to a community than its children. Quality education is essential, and our schools provide first-rate learning centers with staff that truly make a difference in Lawrence County’s future. Burris and Hatfield Elementary are hosting a “Reading Rally” fundraiser to bolster events and programs critical to child development. The money raised will go directly to our local students’ education. There will be no door-to-door selling or delivering of products. It will be a ton of fun with many great reading activities!
Family and friends from around the globe can support the school by donating to help our students. Sponsors can pay for their donations online with debit/credit, other electronic payments, cash, or checks.
Proceeds directly benefit Burris and Hatfield Elementary’s 700+ Students & Teachers. Funding all field trips from kindergarten through 5th grade, fulfilling teacher requests, making school improvements, and more.
Students will earn rewards and prizes based on donations gathered.
Scan the QR code below to learn more and make a difference in a child’s future.