Former Sheriff who pleaded guilty to stealing millions for personal use sentenced to 15 years in prison

CLARK CO. – Former Sheriff Jamey Noel, a notable figure in the state Republican party, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison after entering a plea deal in a corruption, theft, and fraud case.

Jamey Noel

He pleaded guilty Monday and was sentenced.

Noel pleaded guilty to over 25 felony counts, including theft, tax evasion, official misconduct, and money laundering.

Judge Larry Medlock also ordered Noel to pay over $3 million in restitution to local first responder groups.

The ISP investigation began in June 2023 following allegations that Noel directed jail staff to work on his personal property and run personnel errands while on county time. 

Misty Noel

Misty Noel, the wife of former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel, has pleaded not guilty to 10 felony charges, including five counts of theft and five counts of tax evasion. Their daughter, Kasey Noel, has also pleaded not guilty to nine felonies, comprising five counts of theft and four counts of tax evasion.

Kasey Noel

According to previous court documents, the Noel family allegedly made millions of dollars in personal purchases using credit cards from the Utica Township Volunteer Firefighter Association (UTVFA). They are also accused of failing to report income on their taxes over a five-year period. Jamey Noel had managed the UTVFA for many years until the board removed him from his position in January.

In March, investigators discovered that Jamey and Misty had charged over $100,000 in tuition and education-related expenses to UTVFA credit cards. As a result, authorities sought permission to search Indiana University records related to their other daughters, Josey and Gracy Noel, who are currently enrolled at IU campuses. By April, Indiana State Police reported that the family had spent over $300,000 on vacations using fire department funds without providing reimbursement. On April 9, Jamey Noel was sentenced to 60 days in jail after a judge found him in contempt of court for possessing firearms in violation of his bond conditions.

Judge Larry Medlock and Jamey Noel during contempt of court hearing

Additionally, the investigation revealed that Jamey Noel fathered a child with former Clark County Councilwoman Brittney Ferree and made child support payments using UTVFA funds. In July, it was disclosed that he had spent $104,971.51 in department funds on child support between March 2020 and September 2023